Something you need to know about Studio Lighting Kits
Date Posted:23 March 2018

When you are starting a business or just want to improve your photography skills as a hobby, a good studio lighting kit is valuable. What is included varies and based on your budget, can be all you need to take a wide range of photos. There are specialized items beneficial for categories like portrait photography and videography. However, a basicHYPERLINK ""studio lighting kit is the perfect starting place when shopping for new equipment.
Flashes and Continuous Lighting
There are two primary types of lighting for studio photography. A flash creates a single burst of light, while continuous lighting provides solid, even light. Continuous light may be in the form of tungsten, halogen, or fluorescent light bulbs.
Most starter kits include one or two light sources. The ideal light has a variable light output adjustment, temperature stability, and the ability to function with other equipment brands. Verify whether it is compatible with digital or analogue photography, depending on your needs. Some may include power cables, but most operate with a battery.
Umbrellas and Softboxes
To reflect the light onto the object being photographed, an umbrella or softbox is necessary. Direct light can be harsh, but these provide a bright light without washing out the subject. Umbrellas and softboxes come in standard sizes.
Both items are available in several different forms. They may be black, white, or silver and come with removable reflectors in other colors. Umbrellas and softboxes fold for easy transport and storage.
Stands and Support Pieces
The backbone of photography is the ability to position lighting and reflectors at just the right position and angle. The standard beginner kit includes a tripod or similar style support. This will hold umbrellas, lighting, and other essential equipment by utilizing clips.
Most brands of support equipment are compatible with any other brand. It is always a good idea to verify compatibility with existing equipment if necessary though.
Non-essential Accessories
There is a wide range of choice for photography accessories. While many of the items are something that can be rigged from homemade items or purchased separately, a kit that includes them is generally a good deal.
A barndoor with color filters is a small device that attaches to lighting fixtures. It may include filters in several different colors to affect the color cast. A backdrop can be helpful when photographing small objects, such as products for a store. It consists of a flexible, white piece of material that may either hang from supports or be placed on a curve beneath and behind the object.
A wireless trigger is sometimes included in a beginning photography kit. It allows the photographer to cue the lighting and take a photo without touching the camera. This is helpful in situations where pressing the shutter may create noticeable noise in photos.
Studio lighting kits can be an all-in-one solution that is ready to go. They are often the most convenient and affordable option for photographers of all skill levels. Determine your photography needs and purchase the kit that will help you achieve your goals.